Early Math Text

Inspiration For This Website

The cover page of this U.S. post colonial text (published in 1797), has this dedication: “Composed for the use of the Citizens of The United States.” Evidently these people truly cared about each other, as people presently should in the U.S. and elsewhere. It is in this spirit that this website is being developed.

What is Here

This website features some of the articles that I wrote. In doing so, I found the following practice useful: Secure papers, along with different versions of them, by backing them up on several cloud platforms, and still keep backups on drives.

Should you copy my work in mathematics, please cite my work and spell my name right. The citation style is up to your choosing. Creative commons licencing applies, from the date of each paper (CC-BY-SA-4.0). Otherwise, literary works are copyrighted from the date of each work.

Simply put, I hope you enjoy this website. I really want to receive any feedback, questions, commentary, or corrections on anything here. Please email me at: ask@ijakowec.info


Any words not defined, in this collection of documents; use the definition given them, by the OED and/or American Webster’s dictionary. The aforementioned documents include my work on this computer and on the cloud and any copies of my work on any other media. It is not my intention to use double entendré: either from English, or any other language, or from pop subculture (past or present).

In works of nonfiction: Any words redefined by me, or phrases defined by me, are simply technical in nature. They are not meant to refer to any: group, institution, organization, individual or individuals.

Ihor Jakowec
Tuesday, 27 July 2023

Articles arranged by date written (most recent from the top). Content changes periodically.

Works in Mathematics

My latest version. Insights into The Collatz Conjecture

One of my earlier works was taken offline and put back online after I included a disclaimer (shown above). Insights into the Collatz Conjecture

Relating Rationals To Reals

Old but still relevant: The do's and dont's of password design

Works in Fiction (May not be for sensitive readers. Reader discretion is advised.)

When High Tech Comes To Handguns (Dark Humor, Short Story)

Unpredictibly Predictible --describe the lives of some people (Humor)

The World's Shorter Shortest Book --Humor (you decide)